Engineers Without Borders 2015
Socios en Progresos: Partners in Progress


Engineers Without Borders-RPI has been working with a community in Bocas del Torro, Isla Popa II, Panama since 2010. Community members do not have access to a reliable source of clean drinking water. With the help of EWB RPI, the situation is improving daily, but there is still more work to be done.

What You're Supporting

For more than four years, RPI students have made a significant impact on the community in Panama.  On a recent trip however, EWB discovered the large tanks used to collect rain water, as well as their well water, are prone to bacterial growth. To mitigate this, EWB designed and prototyped point-of-use biosand filters to reduce bacterial content in the water. Donations will go toward the prototyping and implementation of household biosand filters for the Panamanian community.

Why Support Us

EWB has secured funding to create three of four biosand filters to utilize on their upcoming trip to Panama. By the time their work within this community is through, their goal is to have 40 households, a school, and a church outfitted with two or three filters, thereby supplying the entire community with clean water. Gifts to this project will enable EWB to purchase necessary supplies to construct each filter, enabling them to provide clean water throughout the community.

About the Organization

Engineers Without Borders-RPI is a non-profit club, and chapter of the larger, national Engineers Without Borders organization. The mission of EWB is to support community-driven development programs worldwide through the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while fostering responsible leadership. For more information, please visit the Engineers Without Borders-RPI website.